Raymond Muñoz



My Music



My Photography


5-7-2024 | 7:04am - I cannot wait for the rain and storms to stop. A nice, dry week sounds good right about now.

5-2-2024 | 12:54pm - How is it May already?

4-21-2024 | 12:33pm - Going through old files and found the music video for my song Every Time. Cheesy AF! Enjoy! LOL

4-20-2024 | 1:09pm - My wife is such an amazing bassoonist. Called in last second to play with the symphony, with no practice time, and nailed it. So proud!

4-15-2024 | 7:55am - 47 years old today. Wow.

4-8-2024 | 6:50pm - We did not reach totality with the solar eclipse today in Kansas City, but I managed to get a pretty nice sequence of shots. Enjoy!

4-5-2024 | 11:33am - Someone is selling a mint condition Apple IIGS on Craigslist and now I want to go back to 1987.

4-3-2024 | 7:41am - I am now the father of a 20 year old. How did I get old enough to be the father of a 20 year old? The world may never know.

3-28-2024 | 8:13am - Sickies today. Blah.

3-25-2024 | 10:39am - What a great start to the day! Up at a reasonable time, walked the dog by 9am, and took cookies to my coworkers after the hard week we had last week.

3-23-2024 | 4:45am - Da fuck am I doing getting up at 4am?

3-15-2024 | 11:21am - What a great trip home to South Texas!

3-2-2024 | 3:44pm - When you crush your stupid pinky in the book cart and cause bleeding and a nail to break. WTF.

2-29-2024 | 9:51am - Mi bicho está cabrón.

2-24-2024 | 7:42pm - I will never get tired of the topic of UFOs.

2-23-2024 | 7:44am - Feeling ridiculously good today for having woken up at 5am.

2-21-2024 | 6:41am - Oh fuck that shit.

2-16-2024 | 6:44am - New Grupo Frontera video dropped overnight!

2-14-2024 | 6:17pm - All it takes is a couple of gun toting idiots to fuck up what was supposed to be a wonderful day in Kansas City.

2-14-2024 | 8:26am - Happy Chiefs Victory Parade Valentine Ash Wednesday Day!

2-11-2024 | 10:19pm - Chiefs win again!

2-11-2024 | 7:08am - Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

2-10-2024 | 11:22am - Fuck Valentina Gomez and her book burning shenanigans. Makes me sad to see such an obtuse Latina running for office. Quiero que mi gente sea más mejor que eso.

2-9-2024 | 5:15am - Wake up early, edit micro blog.

2-6-2024 | 7:36am - So much BS in the world today. Was there always this much BS?

2-4-2024 | 7:31am - Finished up an intro to TEFL course on udemy today. Nice, productive Sunday morning.

2-3-2024 | 8:26am - Meow.

2-1-2024 | 7:20am - How is it the first day of February already? 2024 is flying by!

1-30-2024 | 11:01pm - Found some old backups of mine from 2003, and on one of them was an article about my music and record label in a magazine called Music Software Monthly. So interesting to see how much things have changed in just 20 years! Back then there was no YouTube to put up your music videos, or Apple Music to sell your music online! Those were some wild and crazy times, man!

Magazine Front Page, Article Page 1, Article Page 2

1-28-2024 | 10:49pm - The Chiefs won by 7 instead of 6 like I predicted this morning. Good enough!

1-28-2024 | 10:56am - The Chiefs will beat the Ravens by 6 today. I have spoken.

1-26-2024 | 5:41am - Metta meditation early in the morning is good for the soul, or some shit like that.

1-25-2024 | 8:46am - Working on the TEFL lesson plan for tonight.

1-24-2024 | 7:34am - You ever think that the reason the orange turd blossom does so well is that the press covers him way too much?

1-22-2024 | 12:36pm - This ice is for the birds.

1-19-2024 | 8:05pm - Using UXPlay on Linux Mint on an old 27 inch iMac to do screen sharing from a newish 27 inch iMac running Mac OS is pretty spectactular.

1-19-2024 | 10:09am - ELL went pretty well yesterday. Teaching people conversational English is kinda fun.

1-18-2024 | 2:27pm - Gotta teach a conversational English class today at work. That should be interesting!

1-17-2024 | 8:26am - Just watched the most fascinating little documentary called Jaglavak, Prince of Insects!

1-16-2024 | 12:20pm - 9 degrees feels pretty darn nice!

1-15-2024 | 5:53pm - Starting to feel a little stir crazy with these sub zero temps.

1-14-2024 | 9:53am - Still feels weird to type or write 2024.

1-13-2024 | 4:33pm - This Browns vs Texans game is a perfect example of what a playoff game should be.

1-12-2024 | 7:32pm - Fuck the NFL and Peacock for exclusively streaming the Chiefs vs Dolphins playoff game unless you are in the Chiefs or Dolphins local television market. I really hope that folks outside of the viewing area do not pay and find some way to pirate that shit.

1-11-2024 | 12:52pm - Was supposed to go visit the folks in Texas but got sickies. Canceled so as not to get the old folks sick.

1-10-2024 | 6:46pm - Made it back from a quick trip to Indianapolis.

1-7-2024 | 8:30am - Just saw the highlights from the Texans vs Colts game. Go Texans! I cannot wait to see what CJ Stroud and company do in the playoffs.

1-5-2024 | 8:05pm - The MIT Technology Review says that having your own personal website, built with hand-crafted HTML like the old days, is the new thing. I guess that means 90s nostalgia is officially in vogue.

1-4-2024 | 9:38pm - Today I learned about shojin ryori cuisine while watching an old episode of the original Iron Chef. Sounds yummy!

1-3-2024 | 8:14am - Got FreeDOS running off of a low profile thumb drive on an old laptop that doesn't even have a hard drive. Starting off the new year quite nerdy.

1-1-2024 | 8:37am - Happy New Year! I hope you have a fantastic 2024!

12-31-2023 | 9:11am - How in the world is it the last day of 2023 already?

12-30-2023 | 9:41am - You know you're getting old when you use your pill box to count the days.

12-29-2023 | 10:27pm - MIZ!

12-29-2023 | 7:00pm - Time for some Mizzou vs. Ohio State football!

12-28-2023 | 7:33pm - You know what I miss? Windows Phone.

12-27-2023 | 9:59pm - Added an RSS feed to the micro blog. Let's see if it works!

12-27-2023 | 4:20pm - GoBowling Military Bowl, Duke's Mayo Bowl, and TaxAct Texas Bowl. We live in one giant advertisement.

12-27-2023 | 7:09am - Congrats to the Jayhawks for winning their first bowl game since 2008 last night!

12-26-2023 | 5:22pm - Gianni's Italian Restaurant on State Line Rd. in Kansas City is pretty good!

12-25-2023 | 2:30pm - I'm pretty sure the Taylor Swift curse on the Chiefs is real after seeing Pacheco receive a head injury and then the exam table collapsing on him.

12-25-2023 | 8:01am - Merry Christmas!

12-24-2023 | 7:52pm - Great Christmas Eve with my kid, my wife, and my ex!

12-23-2023 | 6:47pm - Finally finished my eBook, One God, No Religion! It's a project I've been working on since 2004, and I used ChatGPT to help me finish writing the damn thing. Download the free PDF!

12-23-2023 | 6:01pm - I love my peeps at the library so much. Bought them donuts and pizza today because Christmas Eve Eve should be a vacation day!

12-22-2023 | 6:38pm - So much football to watch between now and New Year's Day!

12-21-2023 | 10:15pm - Watched The Nightmare Before Christmas for the very first time with the Kansas City Symphony providing the music. What a cute movie! And the orchestra was fantastic!

12-21-2023 | 10:00am - QQ so proud of himself for scaring off a huge flock of geese today on our walk.

12-20-2023 | 5:07pm - From KC to COMO and back in one day so that I could help a friend move stuff from one storage unit to another. Lots of driving, but worth being able to help!

12-19-2023 | 10:11pm - When you're belting it out to Maná's Mariposa Traicionera and your wife's professional musician friends all hear you...

12-19-2023 | 7:39am - Humble Bundle had Sound Forge, Music Maker, and Vegas for $25. Great deal so I had to buy it!

12-18-2023 | 8:33am - Have Titi Me Pregunto running on a constant loop in my head.

12-17-2023 | 4:32pm - Testing out a way to have a scrollable microblog within the page.

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